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EvtGen  2.0.0
Monte Carlo generator of particle decays, in particular the weak decays of heavy flavour particles such as B mesons.
Evtbs2llGammaISRFSRAmp Member List

This is the complete list of members for Evtbs2llGammaISRFSRAmp, including all inherited members.

CalcAmp(EvtParticle *parent, EvtAmp &amp, Evtbs2llGammaFF *formFactors, EvtbTosllWilsCoeffNLO *WilsCoeff, double mu, int Nf, int sr, int res_swch, int ias, double Egamma_min, double CKM_A, double CKM_lambda, double CKM_barrho, double CKM_bareta, double mumumass_min)Evtbs2llGammaISRFSRAmp
CalcMaxProb(EvtId parnum, EvtId photnum, EvtId l1num, EvtId l2num, Evtbs2llGammaFF *formFactors, EvtbTosllWilsCoeffNLO *WilsCoeff, double mu, int Nf, int sr, int res_swch, int ias, double Egamma_min, double CKM_A, double CKM_lambda, double CKM_barrho, double CKM_bareta, double mumumass_min)Evtbs2llGammaISRFSRAmp
lambda(double a, double b, double c)Evtbs2llGammaISRFSRAmp