evtgen is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
EvtGen  2.0.0
Monte Carlo generator of particle decays, in particular the weak decays of heavy flavour particles such as B mesons.
EvtCPUtil Member List

This is the complete list of members for EvtCPUtil, including all inherited members.

Coherent enum valueEvtCPUtil
EvtCPUtil(int mixingType)EvtCPUtil
fractB0CP(EvtComplex Af, EvtComplex Abarf, double deltam, double beta, double &fract)EvtCPUtil
fractB0nonCP(EvtComplex Af, EvtComplex Abarf, EvtComplex Afbar, EvtComplex Abarfbar, double deltam, double beta, int flip, double &fract)EvtCPUtil
getDeltaGamma(const EvtId id)EvtCPUtil
getDeltaM(const EvtId id)EvtCPUtil
Incoherent enum valueEvtCPUtil
incoherentMix(const EvtId id, double &t, int &mix)EvtCPUtil
isB0Mixed(EvtParticle *)EvtCPUtil
isBsMixed(EvtParticle *)EvtCPUtil
MixingType enum nameEvtCPUtil
OtherB(EvtParticle *p, double &t, EvtId &otherb)EvtCPUtil
OtherB(EvtParticle *p, double &t, EvtId &otherb, double probB0)EvtCPUtil
OtherCoherentB(EvtParticle *p, double &t, EvtId &otherb, double probB0)EvtCPUtil
OtherIncoherentB(EvtParticle *p, double &t, EvtId &otherb, double probB0)EvtCPUtil
setMixingType(int mixingType)EvtCPUtilinline